Monday, August 23, 2010

Home School

The new school year is upon us and the teacher inside me is trying to get out like a caged animal. I have decided to "Home School" my oldest (Jackson). He is 3 and not able to go to VPK until next August. All children are different and I don't think there is any specific age that ALL children are ready to start school or start learning for that matter. I feel that Jackson is very smart and needs to be stimulated by structured education. That being said, I went to Sam's Club and spent about an hour looking at all of the books, work books and teaching tools they had set on a table. After looking at all of the materials I picked out the ones I knew best. I bought a full curriculum of Pre-K work books from American Education Publishing (a company I know well). I chose this set of books because of the many different skills they focussed on, such as basic skills, reading/writing readiness, math readiness, step by step instruction and recognizing patterns. All of these things are state standards for the VPK program in Florida. These books follow the curriculum maps set by the state as well. I have a set schedule for Jackson to follow and each day we will be doing "school" at the same time and place (our kitchen table). I know he is ready for school but I want to make sure he is prepared. My goal is to have him tested for early kindergarten next year. He will be able to start kindergarten at 4 years old at a local private school. Wish me luck, I will be posting updates soon!

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