Sunday, March 22, 2009

Dear Jon and Kate + 8 fans (or not so much)

I don't understand how all of you could be so harsh to this woman. She is wonderfully and fearfully made in Christ!! Jon and Kate have suffered trough times in their life that you can be thankful that you have been spared. Take a long look at their family and where they have come from. Some of you have said that they are just in it for the money, well that may be true but can you blame them. You go to work everyday and expect to be paid. This is there work! When you have something bad to say about them, just do me one favor, hit you knees and pray, pray long and hard. Pray for the trouble they are going through and thank God for what he as provided each and everyone of us. I am thankful that Jon and Kate have done the show. It makes me strive to be a better mom for the 2 i have. I have learned a lot from Kate not only about how to be a better mommy to my 2 boys under 2 years old but how to be a better follower of our great and wonderful leader. Thank you Jon and Kate and our family will continue to pray for yours!